NameRichard VELIKY
Birth Date30 Nov 1956 Age: 60
MotherJoann Rosemarie HULL (1934-2009)
Misc. Notes
My uncle Eli and Aunt Mary once related this story to me. Several years after they had asked my natural mother Joann to allow them to adopt me, but found out they were too late, as Maxine had asked first, my mother Joann phoned them and asked if they’d be interested in adopting another child of hers. They recalled that the little girl had red hair. After some discussion and because the little girl was no relation to them they decided not to accept the offer. It turns out the red-headed little guirl was my half-sister Bonnie Lou Clark.3

[Her name was Jackie prior to her adoption or vice versa.]
Family ID13871
Last Modified 25 Jul 2016Created 17 May 2017 Rick Gleason -